Thursday, March 14, 2013

Day 3

Tuesday after lunch, Bryan met my daughter and I at my sons school to discuss his grades and behavior with his teacher. After that joyful discussion, my son and I went to the dentist to both get cleanings and I was having a filling overhang repaired/replaced and a consultation for my TMJ. What was supposed to be an hour and a half long appointment turned into 3 1/2 hours of dentist hell, in my opinion. I'm sure it could be worse. After having my mouth held open for 3 hours, the suction, scraping, grinding, whatever business they do in there while I drool and gag constantly, I almost lost it. I couldn't take it anymore. They finally finished up, probably fed up with my gleaking saliva in their general direction, and let us go home.

So yesterday I was sore, tired and cranky but I busted out Day 2 of the 30 Day Shred level 1. I am seriously going to push myself to do it everyday, except maybe weekends. My husband makes fun of me. When we were still living in our apartment, I couldn't find my weights, so I'd use cans of beans. I figured something was better than nothing, right? He'd peak in, pretend to do bicep curls and chant "BEANS!" Now when I insist he'll make fun of me, he tells me "oh stop, i will not" Seriously, I don't want to deal with his shit. I'm hoping we can do some type of workout together, though.

I was thinking i'll do 10 days of each level but today I went ahead and did level 2 and let me tell you, it was TOUGH. I woke up, my legs a little sore, my chest really sore, my teeth are still a little sensitive and I felt like not doing anything today, giving it a rest. I realized that would be stupid. Level one was much easier yesterday, with the exception of my raspy breathing, so I thought I could pull off level 2 and I did it. I don't want to get bored with a level doing it for too long, so I might mix it up between the 2 until I feel ready to throw in level 3. Maybe i'll get really enthusiastic and try some other videos on youtube, but let's not get ahead of ourselves here. It just really feels good to be doing something again! I'm really hoping to see some results with my before and after pictures. I did take them, i'm just not gutsy enough to post them until I can see some change. I already FEEL better, but i'm sure there isn't much change, it takes time.

Wish me luck.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A realty check and random life stuff

Things have been so stressful around here I just haven't felt like sitting down and writing anything down. Putting our house back together, dealing with my son, my brother and life. I just try to keep my mind busy, drink wine and carry on! When I should be keeping my body busy.

I have to admit, I haven't really "worked out" since October. I've definitely been working on my diet more, with the exception of my love for baking. I do crunches, squats and jumping jacks, but not a "real" workout. Back in October I could do the 30 Day Shred level 2 fairly easily. I'd be sweating, but it was good. My friend inspired me to start it again, she's been having great success with it and she rocks! Today during level 1, I was so over it halfway thru. I completed it, I felt like I could do it again, but that exhaustion sucked. It was really a realty check that I can't just do what i've been doing (duh). I have had WAY too much damn stress in my life lately and maybe I am just truly exhausted, but I feel like that's just making excuses for the fact that I have just been far too lazy. So I've made a goal to try to do Jillian every morning. It may not happen every morning. I printed out a calendar, got some stickers and put it on the fridge so it'll stare me in the face. We'll see how it works.

A few weekends ago, we painted like the entire interior of our house in ONE stinking weekend. We need to touch up our entire kitchen and family room, but we kicked butt. It was a little chaotic for awhile. I didn't think we were ever going to pick a good color and our house would just be coated in samples. The family room, kitchen and hallway are gray, we have a green accent wall that's between our kitchen and family room. I was extremely iffy to do GREEN but my husband was pretty dead set on it, so I figured we'd give it a shot, we can always change it. I actually love it. My son picked BRIGHT green for his room, my daughter picked purple. Our bedroom is gray with a deep blue accent wall. I realized I haven't taken a picture of that room yet. We want to add some coral and other bright accents, our own little caribbean I guess. I'm pretty stoked.


This past weekend we decided to spoil our little brats kids and get a trampoline. It turned out to be a pretty good deal and I think our family will really love it. It's a lot of fun!

This afternoon we are going to meet with my sons teacher to discuss his failing grades and then to the dentist. And I am really nervous. My son is smart, but his ADHD is out of CONTROL. We are meeting with a doctor next week to discuss our options and I just hate facing this kind of stuff. I feel like a big fat failure. My brother is also having some legal stuff he's dealing with, I sometimes feel he's like a son to me, and when he has struggles in his life, it adds that much on as well. I have been hoping and praying that everything will just work out. But it keeps me up at night worrying about all of this. I just need to keep my goals in mind, help where I can and know i've done my best.

And with that, I need more coffee.