Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Shred progress and random updates

I've been working on the 30 day shred for 3ish weeks now. I have not done it every day as I had hoped, but 3-4 times a week and a couple walks in there as well. Some days I feel awesome and others not so much. Looking at the starting pictures I took, I sure THINK I see a difference, but I don't want to throw that out there yet. It probably has somethin to do with stress - brother, finances, kids. But I'll keep it up. Level 1 is easy peasy and level 2 is getting easier. I'm not quite ballsy enough to try 3. But ill get there.

Stress is really kicking my ass though. This nonsense with my brother is getting old. It's exhausting waiting days for answers and not getting anywhere. Our justice system is kind of bullshit. I am pro-cop and know that everything is in place for a reason. But in this case, I think it's ridiculous it's been going on. I know it'll get worked out and I need to stop losing sleep over it. That can't possibly be helpful. On to happier stuff.

This past weekend was great. The weather was perfect, almost 80. We spent almost the entire time outside. Saturday we went over to a friends house, I have known this girl since PRESCHOOL, we grew up together in Rock Springs, Wyoming and now somehow live in the same area in Washington. Random! Her sister was also in town from Idaho and all of our kids and so close in age. Their cousin also recently moved to the area and we are getting to know her as well. It was so much fun!

We are working on our garden and are so excited to have some of our own veggies again. We are toying with the idea of getting chickens, but maybe not this year. The kids had a blast finding Easter eggs and spending the day as a family. My daughter had the cutest Easter dress, EVER. My son is growing up too fast which a lot of my friends and family pointed out to me, he's losing his boyish looks. I just love these kids.


My daughter decided to cut a little of her hair this morning which was actually pretty funny. She doesn't need to know that, of course. Luckily it'll blend in and grow out. I thought letting her cut paper would be a good activity. I know it could be way worse. But still. Parenting fail!


Live, learn, and hide the scissors.


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