Friday, December 7, 2012

What's Friends Got To Do WIth It

We have been living in Oregon now for 7 months. And haven't made a single friend. I mean, apartment living hardly makes it possible to make friends, people are always in and out, keeping to themselves. We thought the neighbor guys might be cool to hang out with, BBQ, whatev... the only contact we ended up having with them, was one of them getting wasted, trying to open our door at 3am, puking all over the walkway, and Bryan yelling out to him he had the wrong door. They moved out about a month ago.

We spent a LOT of the summer down at the pool and at the park and apparently I either smell funny, or other Moms just don't make eye contact. All the beauty queen Moms would lay out in the sun, looking perfect while their kids swam and I ended up being the chubby, unfortunate lifeguard. Fortunately for my son, the one kid won't leave us alone now and comes over asking for snacks on a daily basis (he really comes over to play, but he's not afraid to ask for anything). It's not that he isn't taken care of. HIS Mom is THE beauty fitness queen. Said child informed me, his Mom doesn't buy Kool Aid because it's not healthy. I'd like to shove a Twinkie in her face. She's perfectly nice, don't get me wrong. But I can be jealous and talk shit. The hubby and I have met a couple acquaintances, but not a single friend. I've never been good at making friends, like, ever. Even in Utah the few friends we had, we didn't talk to very much. We didn't get together often and I was always jealous of the girls who did stuff together and I never participated or wasn't invited. I love hosting get togethers, dinners, etc. But we just never had those friends that we spent a lot of time with. I just felt awkward. 

So this morning I commented on a bloggers picture on Instagram about hair and a couple girls here in Oregon responded to my comment and it made me realize how starved I am for friend interaction. I just want one good friend I can talk with. We can show up at each others doors like our neighbors did growing up, at any time of the day. No reason, just to say hi, have a cup of tea and crumpets, or wine, whatever. Someone who can go walking with me, be sarcastic with me, b.s. No fake stuff, someone who isn't perfect about raising their kids and makes perfect crafts and perfectly decorated house, though I do LOVE making crafts and would like to decorate more and share parenting stories and advice. But no psycho competition. I just want a REAL FRIEND. When we were kids, if someone was willing to sit next to you at lunch and play at recess, you were BFF's! Maybe we need to make things simpler like the good ol days. It makes me wonder if there are any other women out there like me, or maybe i've just gone crazy. 

I can only hope that when we move, my kids, the hubs and I can make some real long term friends. Mostly my kids, because I loved the friendships I had as a kid and treasure them to this day. I have a best friend in my husband, and it's not that I don't love my him, but there's only so much female lingo 
he can deal with.

A little non pity party related bit of info, I did plank for 2 minutes yesterday and did 55 squats. Take THAT pumpkin poppers!


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