Thursday, December 6, 2012

Happy Birthday Weight Gain to me!

So last Thursday was my birthday. Bryan took the day off to spend with me, which we ended up going in to get our yearly physicals required by our insurance, the DMV so I could get an Oregon license since I lost my Utah license, only to be moving to Washington in a few weeks. Makes sense, right? Along with a trip to Comcast which is like the DMV, to replace our broken cable box (which I think Bryan later realized it wasn't plugged in, but whatev! I didn't say nuthin.) I don't expect much for my birthdays, I love spoiling others, I really don't like the attention, and it was great to get so much accomplished. I made dinner and picked out the pie and wine and Bryan stuck some candles in it. It was super sweet when they sang to me and I am truly blessed to have my family.
Movember is now over, and so is that mustache... Seriously, he wouldn't let me take pictures of him with the mustache, but he wore that damn thing ALL OVER TOWN. What is up with that?? So here's another picture for good measure.

So at our physicals I weighed in at 146 lbs. I get so easily disappointed and have been depressed about this house crap and hating this apartment, financial worries suck and so I give myself pity snacks and pity meals. It's lame. I made these delicious pumpkin poppers last week and ate half of them in two days, seriously, they were DELICIOUS. Seeing that number on the scale and my husbands weight right before mine was serious motivation to get this big ol booty moving. I've been working on the squat and planking challenge this month and I feel really good! Still have a long ways to go, 20 pounds (here's hoping) but you gotta start somewhere! Some selfies, tryin to boost my confidence a lil.

And last but not least, my adorable childen, Bryan and I made our very first salt dough Christmas tree ornaments this week. The Santa is Ally's handprint! I LOVE it! They are far from perfect, but we love them. Can't wait to move, set up our tree and put them up! I'm kinda freaking out, 19 days til Christmas!

Happy almost TGFW!

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