Friday, November 9, 2012

Starting again

So this morning I started thinking about blogging... not that I think that anything in my life is worth blogging about, or that anyone will even read this, hence why I stopped blogging in the first place so long ago. Why on earth would anyone care to read about me? I enjoy reading other motivational blogs, reading other people's success stories and life stories makes me feel not so alone in this world. I particularly enjoy the weight loss blogs. I found one in particular through Pinterest and through her blog I have found other women on Instagram and am amazed by their dedication, sense of humor and true realness. Over the years I have pushed so many people away, lost most of my friends, and kind of fell into this hole. Following these women made me think that maybe if I had an outlet of my own, maybe it would help me along. Not only in health, but happiness. Being a better Mother, wife, friend, and person. So here is my first post, primarily about weight loss... it might be a long one, but it's the beginning, so here it is.

I am fully aware that I am not obese, but I am not happy. I have never felt good about my body. I was never overweight growing up but I didn't have the Victoria Secret model body I always wanted (shocker). I am a chocolate addict. I had my son at a very young age and fortunately I bounced back very quickly (I should have cherished THAT body like I do cake). Fast forward 7 years, working a desk job, getting married, quitting smoking (thank god for that), trying for a year to get pregnant, and I went from 118 pounds to over 150 when we FINALLY got pregnant with my daughter. I know, I know, 150 pounds is NOT a big deal, but it is to me. I felt huge, I felt like my husband wasn't going to love me anymore, I didn't want anyone to look at me. Anyway, after my daughter was born I was about 175 pounds. I was fortunate enough to be able to leave my job and be a stay at home Mom, and I really made some lifestyle changes. I quit soda, I quit vending machine crap, eventually I made the switch to straight black coffee, counting calories. I will never quit wine though. For awhile there I started running with my husband while he was training for the policy academy and I felt uh-maz-ing. Speaking of my husband, that man can eat whatever he wants, drink whatever he wants, and is a damn bean pole. Pisses me off. Anyway a few months after that, he went through the academy, I quit running.

Realistically, my goal is to be below 130. When I made it to about 134 last year I was SO PROUD of myself! I was all "I will NEVER be above 140 EVER again! What a lazy cow I used to be!" Now where am I? 144. Seriously? So, with my lack of motivation, a workout buddy, 2 kids that occupy ALL OF MY TIME (I can't even go to the bathroom by myself), I am on a mission to become healthier. Weight loss will come along with it. I am tired of staring at all the clothes I can't wear anymore, squeezing into my jeans that I could wear a year ago and now I can't dry them because they're too tight. Looking at myself in the mirror and thinking, who in the world is that person? I am so proud of my husband, my kids, the life we have made, But I can be better and I hope that this can be my outlet to write about my body, my beautiful kids, my hot hubby, and everything in between.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your honesty! weight issues only really matter to the person having them. It could seem to others like someone is "skinny enough" but if that person is struggling with it then it's a problem! I myself HATE my weight. Hate it hate it hate it! I lost 16 pounds last year. it was amazing but I've managed to gain it all back after I stopped going to a weight loss counselor at school... I don't want to have to rely on someone to hold me accountable, but I'm such a self sacrificer and self abuser I guess you could say, that I apparently need that push. I wish I was still going to classes on that campus so I could continue to see her...

The Delliskave Family! said...

I am totally late on posting on this, because seriously I just took the time to read everything on your blog...but I totally get it. Even though we all have different lengths to our journeys, we all have a journey. I lost a good 30 lbs before my first trip to Disneyworld. I had amazing self control, amazing will power...and it WORKED. Then I started an antidepressant and suddenly had no willpower, and bam...hello 30 lbs back...I wish I could say I missed you....ARGH. Fast forward a YEAR and I'm still sitting with those damned 30 lbs...and pushing myself daily to not eat everything in site. WTF???? I think we all need friends to keep us accountable, even if it's just accountable with the fact that yes, I want those damned cookies, and I'm accountable for that! We all need a support system...I think that's where I'm support system isn't very strong anymore! Yikes!