Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Merry Christmas Happy New Year We Made It!

Well, I don't think I've written a post in like, 2 weeks? Christmas flew by, but we had a great one. We had our own little family dinner on Christmas eve, the kids got to open a few presents, Christmas morning Santa came, they opened the rest of their haul and we headed over to my husbands aunt and uncles house. It was nice to get out and spend time with family.  

Our 7 month lease is over and we made it out just in time. We signed Thursday, got keys Friday and moved Saturday. I had hoped this would all be wrapped up a few weeks ago and we would have more time to clean, have things more organized but hey, it's a shitstorm around here and We. LOVE. It. 
It's actually more bittersweet than I thought it'd be. I get comfortable where I'm at, adjusting to a new place is never easy. But so far I love our home.
I called my sons school to figure out what I needed to do to withdraw him to switch schools after winter break, his teacher had him gather all his things and when he got home that day he was kinda sad. He's excited to have a home. He's only gone to this school a few months but obviously he will miss the friends he has made. I'm always disappointed when his best friends don't do their share keeping in touch. But kids grow up, move on. I can only hope we are doing the right thing. We didn't move far and I want him to keep in touch with these kids. The poor kid has been to as many elementary schools as grades. It's depressing. I am SO over moving.
So my super hero husband and I loaded up a uhaul with the stuff from our apartment Saturday morning. Brayden was sleeping over at a friends and Ally was curled up on the couch watching movies. It was actually a perfect December day for moving. Kids were quiet, it wasn't too cold, it wasn't raining which is a major bonus in Oregon, so we got that all loaded up pretty quickly.
Cleaning the apartment was another story. Brayden got home. The kids "play" which means "try to kill each other". I'm sure part of it was stress. Confusion over what the hell was going on, so they f-ed things up as I went, a bucket of water got knocked over on the carpet. Shit storm. But that's over. We unloaded the apartment stuff at the house and were just too exhausted to get the storage stuff that day. Which ended up being a great thing because we got some kitchen stuff unpacked, beds set up and made and were able to sleep comfortably. Sunday we headed to our storage unit aka Bryan's warehouse, and got the rest of our stuff. 
After drinking copious amounts of wine over our long 4 day weekend, celebrating New Years and getting mostly unpacked, I am so happy to be in our home. I have many goals for this year, though I am not making a resolution. I am determined to get healthy and enjoy more things with my family. To not stress eat, to yell less, love more. I have been so lazy and using this move as an excuse to not exercise, to eat and drink whatever I want. Fat Emily no more. I am excited to see where this year takes us. I will not however, move again in a year. It was a miracle to buy and sell our first house in a year, I don't expect that to ever happen again.

Happy 2013 everyone!

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